Stop Putting The Lead Generation Cart Before The Strategy Horse

Episode #13

Most business owners I talk to recognize that the future of their business depends on a clear strategy, but equally, most of them can’t see the forest for the trees. In this episode, I share five ideas for simplifying your business and putting together a plan, so you can get back to the business of creating a lead generation system that consistently attracts your ideal client. If you enjoy this episode and it inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway. Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories and tag me Jean, (@jean.moncrieff). To get my FREE Business Exit Strategy Guide, click (here) right now! Haven’t left a review yet? All you have to do is go to ( (s), and thanks for your support of this show! In This Episode You’ll Hear: The reason most businesses fail. The importance of reining in your products and services. How to create a strategy in a couple of days using EOS. Five steps you can take right now to find more time to work on your business. LINKS: Get My FREE Exit Strategy Guide, (here) Learn more about the (Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS)) (The Innovator's Dilemma) by Clayton M. Christensen  Join my FREE training (How To Build A Valuable Business) Connect with me on (Instagram) & (Facebook)!