The Hidden Threat of Toxic Leadership

leadership Apr 28, 2023
Hidden Threat of Toxic Leadership

II considered toning down the title of this article, but resisted the urge. There is no sugar coating it: toxic leadership is the hidden reason behind low employee morale, high turnover rates, and stunted growth. It’s a pervasive and insidious problem, that drives thousands of businesses into mediocrity.

In Beyond Entrepreneurship 2.0, Jim Collins calls it the M Syndrome. M was the initial of a particularly ineffective CEO, and is also the first letter in the word malaise. M worked 80 hour weeks in an industry growing at 30% per year. But M’s business was floundering, “pulled into a dark downward spiral—into the gloom and malaise of mediocrity.”.


Because M was a toxic leader.

Collins goes on to describe M’s leadership style as “so oppressive that it hung over the organization like a cold, penetrating mist”.

I’ve observed the effects of that cold, penetrating mist firsthand. Employees feel undervalued, unsupported, and stifled. A-Players are quick find opportunities elsewhere, while the rest cling on to the slow sinking ship.

The problem with toxic leaders like M is that they’re largely oblivious to their leadership style. And while they come in various forms and degrees of toxicity, they typically exhibit some or all of the following characteristics:

  • Authoritarianism: They tend to be autocratic, making unilateral decisions and disregarding input from their employees, fostering an environment where innovation and collaboration are stifled.
  • Lack of empathy: Toxic bosses are often unsympathetic to their employees' personal or professional struggles. They preach “respect for people” but dismiss concerns, discourage open communication, and offer little to no support, leading to a negative work environment.
  • Micromanagement: They often excessively control or interfere with employees' work, stifling creativity and initiative. This behavior can also signal a lack of trust in their employees' capabilities.
  • Favoritism: Playing favorites can severely undermine team cohesion and morale. A toxic boss may favor certain employees, making others feel undervalued and unappreciated.
  • Inconsistency: Inconsistent treatment, expectations, or enforcement of rules breeds confusion and resentment among employees. A toxic boss may be unpredictable, leaving employees in a constant state of uncertainty.
  • Communication: They don’t effectively communicate the vision of the company. Hence, the no clear direction and employees feel like they’re on a rudderless ship bobbing about on the ocean.

Staff Turnover and Loss of Talent

M Syndrome doesn’t just chase away the top talent in a company. As word of a toxic work environment spreads, it quickly harms a company's reputation, making it difficult to attract top talent.

But toxic leaders blame everyone but themselves. When good people leave, they have a litany of excuses and reasons as to why the company is better off without them. It’s fantastic for the competition—innovative companies with strong leadership, a clear vision and powerful values are always ready to welcome A-Players.

High staff turnover costs a fortune. The direct costs of recruiting, onboarding, and training new employees are significant, and the indirect costs of lost productivity, decreased morale, and knowledge drain are even more substantial. It’s not surprising that companies with toxic find themselves stuck—even slipping backward down the revenue curve.

The Impact on Company Growth

Toxic leadership not only drives away talent but can also severely limit a company's growth potential. The negative work environment stifles innovation and cohesiveness, two ingredients which are essential in high-performing, growth oriented teams.

The loss of valuable employees and the inability to attract top talent limits a company's ability to execute its strategy effectively. High turnover rates can lead to constant shifts in teams and an overall lack of continuity, hampering long-term growth.

Toxic leadership isn’t limited to the top echelons of an organization, it occurs at all levels. It’s the overlooked threat that can severely impact your growth and success.

Organizations that want to create a positive work environment, attract top talent, and unlock their full growth potential must route out toxic leadership quickly. CEOs (and their leadership teams) should focus on creating and promoting a culture of open communication, collaboration, and support to avoid the pitfalls of toxic leadership and set the stage for success.

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